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Seller Promises

  • 1. Increase your sales -Get brand exposure withAlfaMall's weekly campaigns
  • 2. Quick Payments - Escrow solution for secure andinstant payment to sell¬ers on all delivered ordersdirectly in the account. Quickest seller payments inthe industry
  • 3. No regislration fee- Sign up for the seller accountwithout any registration charges
  • 4. Sell across Pakistan
  • 5. Sell high ticket items without any hassle oninstallments
  • 6. Digital Merchant Loans - Fast in¬stant digitalmerchant loans for AlfuMull sellers to enable yourbusi¬ness growth

Seller FAQS

How do I register myself as a Merchant (Seller) onAlfaMall?

If a seller sells new and genuine products, theycan register immediately by signing up here.Within 3 business days, a point of contact fromthe AlfaMall team will get in touch with theSeller to guide them through the rest of theprocess.

Who can sell on AlfaMall?

Any business/company big or small can become aSeller on AlfaMall, as long they are authorized asa primary or as a reseller of that Product, orpurchased or other-wise legally acquired thatProduct from an authorized reseller of thatProduct, or otherwise have a legal right to sellthat Product If the Seller is not a business butan individual, than AlfaMall will need moreinforma¬tion. Please contact us oncontactus@bankalfalah.comto register your request

What are the charges of Selling on AlfaMall?

Listing products on AlfaMall is at no cost!AlfaMall also does not charge Seller any-thing forlisting their products online. A Seller howevermust oblige AlfaMall by paying a Platform Fee(i.e. a discount on the actual price of theproduct). This ap-plies when the product is soldto the AlfaMall user/customer. Seller can share aquery to the AlfaMall team via the Call Center111-225-111or send an email tocontactus@bankalfalah.comfor more information

I as a Seller do not have a website (ecommerce) totake payments, as I am a small Seller or retailer.Which solution would be best for me?

AlfaMall is a complete platform for taking ordersfor Sellers. It is a complete plat¬form which canhandle listings, purchases, payments, refunds andreports. It does not necessarily require a websiteto be integrated with the platform, there arealter¬native methods for Seller to update theirproducts and become a Seller.

How long will it take to get AlfaMall account forSeller(s)?

After filling out the AlfaMall signup form,AlfaMall will need to gather some addition-alinformation before opening a Seller account. Timecan thus vary case to case.

How soon will I get my money after the transactionis processed?

Transactions are usually deposited into your bankaccount in agreed term of busi-ness days afterconfirmed delivery of the order. This is set onthe rule T+(n) where T = Order TransactionCompletion of delivery and (n) = the number ofdays agreed with Seller for disbursing payment

Can I create coupons or promotional discounts on theplatform?

Yes, the Seller (Seller) has the flexibility tocreate coupons or discounts that work for yourbusiness through AlfaMall Seller Center. Sellercan customize coupons and promos by days,products, categories, time, locations or eventypes of customers. However, this requirespre-approval from AlfaMall

What if I need to cancel my Seller agreement?

Seller (Seller) can terminate the use of AlfaMallplatform at any time with a 60-90-day noticeperiod

How does Seller Financing work?

With this option, Sellers get financing for 3, 6,9 and 12 months periods based on the transactionalhistory Seller has maintained with the bank. TheFinancing line is instantly approved/processed.However, delays may be subject to anydocumenta-tion issues

My reports say I have done 850 transactions, howeverwhen I see my disbursements, it only shows 800. Whyis there a difference?

Transactions are stored in AlfaMall databases at aset time, so AlfaMall invoices are generated inthat time. Payments are also for 'Completed'transactions only as in products which have been'Delivered'. Transactions will also differ basedon charge-backs received, refunds, reversals,failed transactions or other reasons. Check thedisbursement reports in the Seller Center for moredetails