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Rs 605.00


Perfect for hair nourishment. Best for aromatherapy & massage therapy.

Perfect for hair nourishment. Best for aromatherapy & massage therapy.


Enhancing skin quality and addressing acne. Also, best for naturally reducing hair loss and dandruff.

Ideal for soothing respiratory ailments, such as coughs and bronchitis, as well as physical stress and inflammation


Cedar wood Essential Oil is for external use only.

Massaging scalp with a mixture of cedar-wood oil and a carrier oil reduce and soothe an itchy, flaking scalp. It is beneficial for treating dandruff and Scalp eczehma

Acne treatment by adding two or three drops to 5 teaspoons of a carrier oil and applying it to your skin for 20 minutes once or twice a week. You can also add a few drops of cedar-wood essential oil to Instant Glow Facial Scrub. Use for an aromatherapy treatment or add a few drops to a hot bath prior to going to bed.

Cedar-wood oil mixed with a carrier oil and used for scalp and skin massage, also added to Whole Blends Facial Exfoliant & MaskInstant Glow ScrubMoisture Bomb or Zero Oil, and shampoo.



Always dilute essential oils in a carrier oil before applying topically. Do a patch test before using the oil to ensure it does not irritate your skin. All essential oils can be dangerous if ingested.

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