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Nicorette Gum Icy White 4mg 105 Pcs l ESAJEE'S

Rs 10,078.00

➣ Reduces Nicotine Cravings

➣ Aids Smoking Cessation

➣ Minimizes Withdrawal Symptoms

➣ Avoids Harmful Tobacco Smoke

➣ Customizable Dosage

➣ Supports Cardiovascular Health

Nicorette Gum Icy White 4mg is a powerful nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) product designed to aid in smoking cessation. This pack contains 105 pieces of gum, each infused with a refreshing icy white flavor, making the quitting process more enjoyable. With 4mg of nicotine per gum, it provides a higher dosage for heavy smokers, helping to manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms effectively.